AITA for Refusing to Share My Groceries with My Roommate?
I live with a roommate, and lately, they’ve been helping themselves to my groceries without asking. At first, I let it slide because I figured it was just a one-time thing. But it kept happening, and now I’m stuck constantly restocking food I didn’t even get to eat, refusing to share my groceries.

Why I Finally Said No
I do my grocery shopping on a budget. I plan my meals carefully, and I don’t buy a lot of extra stuff. So when I started noticing things disappearing-milk, eggs, snacks-I got frustrated. I asked my roommate about it, and they brushed it off like it was no big deal.
Finally, I told them they needed to stop eating my food or at least replace what they took. They got defensive, saying I should be more generous since we live together and “it’s just food.” Now, things are tense, and they’re acting like I’m being a bad roommate.
The Verdict: Am I in the Wrong?
Some people think I did the right thing:
“Your groceries are your groceries. If they want food, they need to buy their own.”
“It’s not about being generous-it’s about respect and boundaries.”
“You already gave them a chance, and they ignored it. That’s on them.”
Others think I’m overreacting:
“If you live together, it’s normal to share food. Why make a big deal out of it?”
“Maybe they’re struggling financially and don’t want to ask for help.”
“You could have a system where you split grocery costs instead of keeping things separate.”
Final Thoughts: Should I Be More Flexible?
I don’t want to make my home environment awkward, but I also don’t think it’s fair for me to keep paying for food I don’t get to eat.
What do you think? Am I being too harsh, or should my roommate take responsibility for their own groceries? Let me know in the comments!
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