woman Refuses to Babysit My Nephew for Free?

Family members often expect favors, but what happens when those favors become unpaid labor? woman Refusing to babysit her nephew for free. Was she right to demand compensation, or was she being unfair?

The Original Post: My Sister Assumed I’d Babysit for Free

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I Love My Nephew, But I’m Not a Free Babysitter

My sister, Megan, recently went back to work and needed someone to watch her three-year-old son a few days a week. Since I work from home, she assumed I could take on babysitting duties for free.

At first, I helped out occasionally, but then it became an expectation. She started dropping my nephew off without asking, and when I finally brought up payment, she was shocked. She said, “You’re his aunt! Why would I pay you?”

I told her that babysitting multiple days a week was a big responsibility, and it affected my ability to focus on my job. She called me selfish, saying family should help each other. Now, my parents are siding with her, telling me I should “do it out of love.” But I feel like my time is being taken for granted. Am I the asshole?

The Community Reacts: Was I Justified?

Many people supported my decision, saying that refusing to babysit for free was completely fair.

“Family or not, childcare is work. You deserve to be compensated.”

“If she needs free babysitting, she should find another option.”

“She didn’t even ask—she just assumed. That’s the real issue here.”

However, some thought I was being too harsh.

“If you love your nephew, why wouldn’t you want to help?”

“Maybe you could compromise—ask her to pay for food or expenses instead.”

“It’s just a few days a week. Is it really that big of a deal?”

The Verdict: Fair Boundaries or Family Betrayal?

While some believed I should have helped my sister without expecting payment, most agreed that refusing to babysit for free was a reasonable boundary.

At the end of the day, family doesn’t mean free labor. Would you have made the same decision? Let us know in the comments!

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