My Mother-in-Law Constantly Oversteps – How Do I Set Boundaries?
I love my husband, but dealing with his mother is becoming unbearable. She constantly oversteps, ignores my boundaries, and interferes in our marriage. Every time I try to address it, my husband tells me to just ignore it. But how long can I let this go on?

Background Information
My husband and I have been married for three years, and since the beginning, my mother-in-law has been a constant presence in our lives. She has a key to our house (which I never agreed to), drops by unannounced, and feels entitled to weigh in on everything from our finances to when we should have kids.
In the past, I’ve tried being polite and setting small boundaries, but she always finds a way to push back. My husband sees her behavior as harmless and doesn’t understand why I’m so frustrated.
The Main Conflict
Last week was my breaking point. I had planned a relaxing weekend with my husband, just the two of us, but Friday night, she showed up unannounced with bags packed, saying she wanted to spend the weekend with us. I was shocked, but my husband simply laughed and welcomed her in.
I pulled him aside and told him this was unacceptable. He brushed it off, saying, “She’s just lonely, it’s not a big deal.” When I told him I needed him to back me up and set boundaries, he called me dramatic.
The Aftermath
I ended up spending most of the weekend alone in our bedroom while my husband entertained his mother. I felt completely disrespected and unheard. When I tried to bring it up again later, my husband told me I was “making problems where there aren’t any.”
I reached out to a friend for advice, and she told me I need to put my foot down before this gets worse. But how do I do that without causing tension in my marriage?
Community Reaction
“Your husband needs to realize that being a good partner means standing up for you.”
“You are not overreacting. This is a huge boundary issue.”
“She shouldn’t have a key unless both of you agree to it.”
“It’s not just about her – it’s about your husband not supporting you.”
“You need to have a serious talk with him about putting your marriage first.”
Final Thoughts
I know my mother-in-law isn’t going anywhere, but I can’t keep feeling like a guest in my own home.
How do I get my husband to understand that boundaries are necessary? Have you ever had to deal with an overbearing in-law? What worked for you?
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