AITA for Refusing to Split Expenses equally with My Boyfriend?

Money can be a sensitive topic in relationships, especially when incomes are unequal. One woman refuses to split expenses 50/50 with her boyfriend, arguing that fairness doesn’t always mean equality. Was she right, or should she be paying her half?

The Original Post: Income Differences Matter

He Insists on a 50/50 Split

My boyfriend and I moved in together recently, and we’ve been trying to figure out how to handle shared expenses. The issue? He earns almost double what I do, yet he insists we split everything 50/50.

Image by yanalya on Freepik

I told him this isn’t fair because while he can easily afford it, covering half of everything puts me in a tough financial spot. I suggested we split based on income percentage instead, but he said that wasn’t fair to him.

He thinks I’m just trying to “get out of paying my share,” but I believe relationships should take financial circumstances into account. Now, we’re in a standoff, and some of our friends say I’m wrong for not just paying my half. Am I the asshole?

The Community Reacts: Fair or Unreasonable?

Many people agreed that refusing to split expenses equally in a relationship was justified in this case.

  • “Fair doesn’t always mean equal. If he earns more, he should contribute more.”
  • “If you were married, finances would be shared—why not apply that logic here?”
  • “A partner who insists on strict 50/50 despite income gaps isn’t being fair.”

However, some thought I should just pay my half.

  • “If you can’t afford the lifestyle, maybe you shouldn’t be living together yet.”
  • “Splitting based on income sounds nice, but what if the roles were reversed?”
  • “You knew his stance before moving in—why is it a problem now?”

The Verdict: Financial Fairness or Entitlement?

While some believed I should accept the 50/50 arrangement, most agreed that refusing to split expenses equally in a relationship made sense given the income difference.

At the end of the day, financial compatibility is just as important as emotional connection. Would you insist on a strict 50/50 split, or is income-based fairness the better approach? Let us know in the comments!

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