AITA for Moving Out Even Though My Parents Begged Me to Stay?
Growing up, my parents always emphasized the importance of family and staying close. Now that I’m an adult, I’ve made the decision of moving out, but they’re acting like I’m abandoning them. They’ve begged me to stay, guilt-tripped me, and even implied that I’m being selfish for wanting my own space. Now I’m starting to wonder – am I really in the wrong?

Why I Made The Decision Of Moving Out
I’m in my mid-20s, financially stable, and I’ve been craving independence for a while now. I love my parents, but I also want to experience life on my own terms. I found a great apartment close enough to visit them often, but far enough to finally have my own space. When I told them, their reaction was not what I expected.
My mom burst into tears, saying she thought I’d stay until I got married. My dad was quieter but told me I was making a mistake. They both made me feel like I was betraying them by leaving. The guilt started eating away at me, but deep down, I still felt like this was the right decision.
The Verdict: Am I the Bad Guy?
Some people tell me:
“You’re an adult, and moving out is a normal step in life. Your parents will adjust.”
“They’re being emotionally manipulative. You need to set boundaries.”
“It’s not like you’re cutting them off – you’re just gaining independence.”
Others say:
“Your parents raised you, and they just want to be close to you. Is that so bad?”
“Maybe they rely on you more than you realize, and leaving is genuinely hard for them.”
“Couldn’t you have compromised and stayed a little longer?”
Final Thoughts: Should I Have Stayed?
I know my parents love me, and I don’t want to hurt them. But at the same time, I feel like I deserve to grow and have my own space. Am I being selfish for moving out despite their wishes? Or is this just a necessary part of growing up?
What do you think? Am I wrong for wanting independence, or should I have stayed longer to make my parents happy? Let me know in the comments!
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